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Field Work

Samosas And Farewell

Local food gets repetitive, hotel food gets expensive, and expat food is often far away (and expensive). So what is a consultant to do when they are staying at the Mille Collines for a month? They eat samosas. Lots of samosas.

My March In Hotel Rwanda

What is it like to spend nearly a month in Africa’s most famous (or infamous) hotels? Read about it here as well as what to see, do and eat on an extended stay in this lovely hilltop capital.

Rwanda Highway Life

Off on site visits for the Rwanda assignment, covering Nyanza (aka Nyabisindu) and Huye (Butare) in the south, and barely making it to Musanze (aka Ruhengeri) which is a story in itself…

sipi falls uganda

Hiking Sipi Falls

Pausing to climb out from under report-writing in Mbale, my research partner and I take a weekend trip to Sipi Falls — a real-life picture post card of the Garden of Eden — and bring back some unexpected souvenirs…

Northern Uganda: Gulu

If you like real and surreal together, then by golly, Gulu is the place for you. It’s dusty and proud and friendly, but not overly so. It’s also two distinct towns on a collision course.

Kampala’s Sacred Places

Our first Saturday in Uganda was spent walking around Old Kampala, viewing the mammoth “Gadhafi” Mosque perched on top of Kampala Hill, and taking a private hire taxi out to the Baha’i Mother Temple of Africa.

Arrival In Kampala

26 days after learning that I would be spending the summer in Uganda, our Ethiopian Airlines 767 touched down in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) for a layover en route to Entebbe (Uganda).