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So Long, Asia

The final update from Phnom Penh for the foreseeable future, covering our mid-rainy season pack out, melange of logistical hurdles, and reflections on exiting Indochina for the unknown in the time of COVID.

Where to Next?

Where to next?…the age old question. Or, in our case, the months-old question…or so it seems these days. Read all about it plus an update on the lovely demolition next door.

Dry Spell Hell

There goes the neighborhood—Literally! Our riveting family adventures of suddenly finding ourselves living in Phnom Penh’s newest hardhat zone.

Cambo Life June 2020

This month, we went from weathering the storm of the century to having to abandon ship altogether. Here’s a look back at our June in Phnom Penh in the time of COVID.

Back to Square One

Just when we thought life was pretty gnarly…it gets gnarlier! Latest developments from Corona Cambo life and where we’re NOT going to be come September.

Mekong Crossing

Hankering for fresh fish, cold beer, and a break from the city, we hop a public ferry across the Mighty Mekong. The journey, however, doesn’t quite turn out as intended.

Urban Adventuring

With a lease signed and festival time behind us (for now) we finally sink into something akin to a routine, at least for us, with urban adventures across Phnom Penh.

What’s the Catch!?

The hunt continues, as we expand our search, make up games to cope with our burgeoning insanity, and pay a visit to Phnom Penh’s biggest party hostel.

House Hunters

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go house hunting in Phnom Penh? Of course you have! Exciting highlights from the search for our just-good-enough-to-inhabitat home!

Vientiane Streetscapes

A quick post highlighting the unique structures and streetscapes across Vientiane, captured over several Sunday mornings in 2019.