When we found out that the clinic would be closed for the two weeks around Christmas and New Years and that Lori’s brother, Dan, was keen visiting around that time, we decided that it was a perfect opportunity to not only reintroduce Dan to some of our Belize favorites, but cover some new ground as well. Dan was also very interested in exploring our much larger neighbor, Guatemala, so we worked a week of that into the mix as well.
A little more hurried of a pace than we’re normally used to, but a lot of fun nonetheless. We’ll be retracing a lot of our footsteps from this trip in the coming months but wanted to make sure Dan saw everything he wanted to see too.
In terms of getting around, we drove most places in Belize (with our own vehicle), with the exception of Caye Caulker/ San Pedro which we accessed via water taxi (given that their islands…) and we opted to do a package for ATM and Tikal through Casa Blanca in San Ignacio. However, 100% of travel around Guatemala was accomplished via public or hired transport, which meant that we could take the boat from Punta Gorda to Livingston rather than driving from Flores in the north and back. There were several reasons for not going this route, which I’ll expand on in the Guatemala posts.
Until then, I’ve included a sampling of photos tracing our itinerary:

Hello Lori!
I know your parents Ron & Shirley, and can’t wait to see pictures posted of them when they come visit you in February!
You two are amazingly photogenic and I am envious of your lifestyle!
Warm Regards,
Jennifer Roth (Cascade Community Credit Union)