Railay: Baby Overboard

Thought I’d do something different this time around and combine all the cute pics of Noe at the beach into one post (and there are many). If you have an aversion to babies, beach, and or cuteness, you may very well want to skip this post. For those of you who tell us we haven’t been posting enough of Noe lately, here ya go!

It was awesome having access to TWO large pools at the place we were staying. It’s generally a big deal if we get just one pool, and if that one pool isn’t packed with swimmers.

We’ve often disparaged pools at the beach over the years — countless times here on the blog — as we don’t generally see the point, particularly in the tropics. You go to the beach for the beach, and the warm waters of the tropics. Why on earth would you also need a pool? But I do have to admit it was nice, particularly with a little one, to have the option, as conditions weren’t always ideal for swimming in the sea during our stay, owing to the weather or the extremely low tides.

Best of all, we nearly always had one of the pools all to ourselves!

Noe loves the water and sand, so naturally, he loves the beach. We got him a play toy in Laos just for the occasion and were glad we did as we didn’t see these things for sale here. It’s got leg holes in the middle to keep the kid from slipping through the big hole in the middle, and a lovable (caterpillar?) head. Would a sea turtle or crab made a bit more sense? Sure, but that’s what makes living in Laos so fun.

That’s certainly not to say that Noe didn’t get his beach time. Beach time chasing Grammy around? Even better.

And as always, Noe even managed to make some friends.

He kept spotting the giant flamingo making it’s rounds out on Railay West (who wouldn’t spot that thing!?) and naturally, wanted in on that. Lori took him over to see if the two young women would be so kind as to humor our toddler and let him see it up close. Noe put on his charm and won the women over immediately. They even let Noe ride along for awhile which made his entire day — for Noe, getting to ride around on the biggest, brightest thing on the water with two young women doesn’t get better than that.

Exploring the beach at low tide with mama, finding lots of fun and interesting things that he most certainly should not be putting in his mouth. At one point, he came across some sort of large beached sea cucumber or something, picked up, and squeezed it until it exploded all over him. Nothing like wrangling an energetic toddler covered from head to toe in sea cucumber guts and reeking accordingly.

Nap time!

(post bath, of course…)

Fun with Grampy.

After the day trippers moved on, we trekked on over to beautiful Phra Nang beach (on the other side of the peninsula)…

Noe was obsessed with finding floating leaves and twigs in the water.

Unsurprisingly, Noe slept about as well as he ever has each night of our stay. Thankfully, his sleep has become pretty reliable at the moment — a far cry from the crazy, sleepless nights he was having a few months back each time we’d leave town. Lately, there’s been a bit more of a transition coming back from vacation (a night or two of night wakings) but nothing insane. It would be nice to ride this sleep train for a while if we can.

By the morning of our departure, it was easy to tell that Noe wasn’t exactly ready to go. It’s hard to believe that, by the end of the day, we’ll be back in landlocked Laos. Our main consolation this morning is that our time with our visitors is only just beginning!

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