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Late Summer ’18 Update

Yes! We are: 1) still alive and kickin’; 2) in the U.S.; and, 3) still sharing it with you here on the blog!

We’ve been enjoying a relatively packed schedule of spending time with family and friends and soaking up the gorgeous Pacific Northwest weather (while it lasts!). Between packing up our house in Laos, recuperating from our crazy last couple of weeks in Laos and a trans-Pacific flight, catching up with family and friends, and getting ready for Baby #2, the blog has somehow slipped through the cracks (imagine that!).

It also doesn’t help matters that, in the last month before Lori’s extended maternity leave, I began the monumental task of migrating the website to a new server (and a new platform) and consolidating our three websites into one.

I’ve kept the latter on the down-low as the process will undoubtedly take months. But, after long and serious consideration, I’ve decided it’s best in the long run to focus all my efforts on one blog, rather than spread my efforts out over three separate online projects. So, in the next several months, Places Apart and Dadventurings will be integrated into one big site.

I’m proud of the fact that both Places Apart and Dadventurings has garnered the attention it has in such a short time. While I’ve enjoyed growing these projects independently, there’s just not enough time in the day to grow all three in the way that I would like to, plus be able to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime stretch of time off with Lori, Noe, and everyone else, as well as soaking up these first months with the newest member of our family, which Noe has taught us goes by faster than we ever imagined.

You may notice that a lot of our archives are missing here (pre 2018), but not to fear! I’m [slowly] getting everything migrated over. What you, our loyal readers, can expect from the blog moving forward is more dispatches from our travels (overseas and in the U.S.), as well as from our daily expat adventures in Laos (yes, we are returning to Vientiane—but not until January (more on that in later posts).

You’ll also see more travel tips, destination guides and resources, and lots more family travel tips and posts. I’m setting up a way that readers can control which types of content they want to receive in their email inboxes so that those who want to follow our daily adventures but not receive our latest family travel tips can do so.

More to come in the coming weeks ahead. Until then, enjoy the final days of summer and thanks for reading!

David, Lori, and Noe

2 thoughts on “Late Summer ’18 Update”


    Hi Everyone,
    I’m no longer receiving your AwayGoWe in my gmail Inbox; could this be because of your new server? I’m so happy to have found it again on Facebook—-Jan

    • Hi Jan,
      Sorry about that! Looks like your email got lost in the transition. But not worry, we’ve added you back on. Please let us know if you don’t receive an email notification for the next post (sometimes they take up to 24 hours to get delivered).


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