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We Moved! New Adventures Up the Coast

Yep. You read that right. We’ve bid adieu to Sayulita and moved one hour north (and one hour back in time) to the sleepy little seaside village of Chacala, Nayarit.

Why did we decide to leave Sayulita, you ask? I’ll dive deeper into that in future posts. But if you’ve been following along for the past several months, you’ll likely be able to put the pieces together yourself.

We left behind a great little community of families that we’ll definitely miss. But new adventures await in Chacala. We’re particularly excited about new beaches and trails to explore and the clean water and mellow seas that are perfect for our five- and almost-three-year-old mer-kids.

We’re also looking forward to lower costs, fewer tourists (especially during the week), and having Noe and Riley both at a great little school.

Plus, Chacala’s so small that we’ll no longer need the golf cart to get around town so much (yep, we parted with our dear carrito in July). So, we’re putting the money towards a vehicle, which will open up a ton of new opportunities for exploring the Riviera Nayarit and Jalisco highlands.

Obviously, there’s a ton to catch up with on the blog, and I haven’t been doing myself any favors posting our updates so infrequently these past few months.

I’m also happy to report that the business side of this site (AwayGoWe.com) is also growing by leaps and bounds, and beginning to bring in a respectable amount of revenue.

So, moving forward, I probably won’t be able to publish as many daily life posts as frequently as I’d like to, but I’ll try my best. At the very least, for our family’s photo album/ scrapbook/ etc.

I’d also like to experiment with something new. I’ve got a backlog of posts going back to March, and we’ll undoubtedly have new things to talk about here in Chacala moving forward. Rather than bust my rear trying to catch up, I’m going to try and alternate posts instead – one catch up post, followed by one current post, etc.

It may get a little messy, and some of them might not fit that pattern exactly, but I’ll do my best to note what’s what up front.

So, try not to get too confused if we seem to be jumping back and forth between Sayulita and Chacala (though we will need to make a trip back down to Sayulita at some point soon to get all our stuff that’s still sitting in our old house (the street was cut off from the world on both ends thanks to Hurricane Nora that whipped through here just as we were landing last Saturday – ours was literally the last flight to land at PVR before they shut down the airport for the next 15 hours…but we’ll get to that)).

For now, I’ll leave you to ponder these two photos taken one day apart on the main beach in Sayulita and Chacala, respectively.

At the moment, it’s safe to say we’re feeling pretty good about our decision.

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