Pacific City

When we returned to the U.S., we set a tentative departure date of October 1st. That would leave us two weeks for quarantine and about five weeks to catch up with family and a few close friends after almost two years apart before heading on to the next thing.

Declaring some sort of end date to our visit wasn’t out of any eagerness to leave behind family again, but rather a matter of practicality. We knew that by then, we’d need a place of our own (with two rambunctious toddlers), and an income.

So, it was important to do what we could to spend some quality time with our siblings before then.

My sister and brother-in-law, who are both teachers and also live in Oregon were much easier, logistically, to get together with.

Lori’s brother and sister-in-law, were a bit trickier, with full time jobs and living six hours north in Tacoma.

Fortunately, like my sister and her family, their isolated home lives at the moment and level of caution related to Covid meant meeting up was about as low risk as we could hope for in these times.

Several months prior, we’d planned on meeting up on the central Oregon Coast, but those plans fell through as soon as our return date to the U.S. became nearly impossible to pin down until the last minute.

After we were back here, and with few coast rentals available due to the summer season now in full swing, we were able to find a last-minute stay after the summer rush in Pacific City, which was equidistant for all of us, but still a big trip for a couple of nights, especially with the boys.

So, in late September, we set off for some late season fun in the sun with family…

Well, at least some fun with family.

We decided to take the coast route, passing through Florence and Newport.

I was really looking forward to this drive (it’s one of my favorites in the PacNW). But a nasty freak storm blew in making the day’s drive pretty gnarly and miserable.

Fortunately, the boys didn’t seem to notice much (so long as we left “Baby Beluga” on repeat).

Uncle Dan and Aunt Lauren were due in later that evening, so we passed the time listening to Grampy’s music collection and braving the cold and winds down on the beach a short walk from our rental.

But the thing about the Oregon Coast is that, no matter what time of year, the weather can (and does!) change on a dime. Sometimes for worse, and oftentimes for the better.

The next morning, the storm had moved on and we awoke to brilliant sunshine and warm[er] temperatures. There was only one thing to do after breakfast ⏤ head to the beach!

Last time I did this a few years back, I got a little carried away by deciding to let out the majority of string.

I wanted to show Noe how high a kite could go and nearly took off all the skin on my hands reeling it back in.

This time, we kept things a bit more down to Earth, so to speak.

That didn’t keep Riley from nearly bursting from excitement from his first kite experience.

Yep, everyone did an awesome job of thoroughly exhausting the boys, making for nice, long naps.

After nap time, the fog rolled back in and we took a stroll down to Cape Kiwanda to tool around the tide pools and headland.

An hour later, the skies cleared [again] and we took the opportunity to snap a few family pics.

Did I say the weather changes a bit on the Oregon Coast? Layers! Layers! Layers!

We stayed up late chatting after the boys went down and spent the next morning relaxing around the house before it was time to hit the road.

Never enough time to spend with these guys, but Lori and I were so glad we were able to make this trip happen, and we know the boys feel similarly.

In the time of Covid we feel pretty fortunate in that respect.

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