Welcome to the Blog

Here, you'll find everything we've published over the years, from newest to oldest, including our expat adventures, traveler stories, and more.

Pacific City

A midway meetup with Lori’s brother and sister-in-law in another coastal location after nearly two years apart. And fun with Oregon’s unpredictable coastal weather.

Apocalypse Now

Devastating wildfires join forces with Covid to push us deeper into our protective bubbles, as we concoct creative ways to keep 2 young boys and 6 adults sane in captivity.


Reconnecting with both sets of grandparents in Oregon, following two weeks in captivity (i.e. quarantine), and 20 months apart.

So Long, Asia

The final update from Phnom Penh for the foreseeable future, covering our mid-rainy season pack out, melange of logistical hurdles, and reflections on exiting Indochina for the unknown in the time of COVID.

Where to Next?

Where to next?…the age old question. Or, in our case, the months-old question…or so it seems these days. Read all about it plus an update on the lovely demolition next door.