RV Life

Sayulita & Cinco de Mayo

Tuesday was our San Pancho Day. It only makes sense that Thursday should be our Sayulita Day. Last Saturday, the boys spent the day at a kids club in Sayulita, … Read more

Poking Around San Pancho

Besides hanging out here in Lo de Marcos all week—which we would totally be ok with if there weren’t so many other fun places nearby to visit—we’re going to make … Read more

Sayulita Saturday

When Lori learned that Noe’s old school in Sayulita held a Kids Club every Saturday, it was an opportunity too good to pass up. The boys could make some new … Read more

Mazatlan Days & Nights

The cruise ships are arriving on a daily basis now. Having never set foot on a big-name cruise ship, it’s surreal to watch them sail into port in the morning, … Read more

Celestino Paradise

In addition to being able to catch the solar eclipse just south of here at Las Labradas, Celestino and Villa Celeste treated us well for the few days we hung … Read more

Las Glorias, Sinaloa

Dodging ATVs, RV utility malfunctions, and Montezuma’s Revenge as we head into week four of non-stop festivities on the Mexican Pacific Coast.

Holy Week Hideout

Moving to the country, exploring desert hills, and gearing up for Mexico’s biggest party of the year: Semana Santa (Easter Holy Week).

San Carlos (Nuevo Guaymas)

We finally make it back to the beach, all to find ourselves in Little Canada on a Mexican three-day weekend. Welcome to San Carlos!

Tucson Days

Lazy catch-up days in Tucson, with a hike through Sabino Canyon, and a memorable evening at one of Arizona’s most sought after campgrounds.

Projects & Preparations

With the Moho finally in the driveway, we finally begin RV projects while managing winter weather, two rambunctious boys, and painfully slow package delivery to Roseburg.